A 3.5 hour seminar for church leaders and volunteers focusing on how to weave a Faith@Home focus across every ministry of the church. In many cases, churches will bring a team of people to this seminar so they can “infect” their entire leadership team with a Faith@Home focus. CLICK HERE TO SEE PROMO VIDEO |
A fast-paced and interactive parenting seminar for parents/grandparents that helps parents:
We need grandparents in the game of shaping the generations to come. Many grandparents are actually parenting their grandkids or may be the only spiritual light in their family. Whatever the case, grandparents are a vital spiritual link in their family's spiritual legacy. Through research and conversation, Pastor Mark Holmen asked grandparents a key question: What are some of the things that prevent you from being a spiritual influence in the lives of your adult children and grandchildren? Stay in the Game Grandparents is built on this research which discovered six primary roadblocks grandparents face, and practical ways they have found to overcome these roadblocks. CLICK HERE TO SEE PROMO VIDEO |
In our consulting with thousands of church leaders, we regularly field a few common questions:
This powerful message is from Deuteronomy 6 and provides a compelling Biblical case for why we should be Faith@Home focused and ends with a powerful call for commitment where people come forward to receive a Joshua 24 rock as they make a “as for me and my household we will serve the Lord” Faith@Home commitment. The sermon helps the host church establish church wide “buy in” for their Faith@Home focus and commitment. |