“Milestones” were created as a tool for that very purpose.
Milestones are fun, interactive workshops for kids and their parents to attend together. Milestones were designed to help families and the church celebrate the faith progress of their children, and to provide a tool for church leaders to use as they partner with the parents in the training and instruction of their children. Milestones are designed for use by pastors and Children’s Ministry leaders to implement at their church, but they are also available for parents to adapt to at-home learning.
You will find all the resources you need as a pastor or parent to purchase Milestones below. Check it out! And God bless your family!
Milestone # 2 - Worship
For Kindergarten children & their parents
The Worship Milestone teaches families the importance of worshipping together, at church and at home.
Elements include: Detailed presentation notes, Kids in Worship brochure, Kids in Worship folder, PowerPoint for this Milestone.
Milestone #3 - The Gospel
For first grade children & their parents
In this Milestone, the Gospel is clearly presented, and church leaders and parents are provided with tools to help share the Gospel with children, and suggestions for inviting children to trust Christ as their own personal Savior.
Elements included: Detailed Presentation Notes, Faith Decision Certificate, Gospel Discussion Guide, Wordless Book instructions, PowerPoint for this Milestone.
Milestone #4 - Communion
For second grade children & their parents
The Communion Milestone explores the history of Communion and helps families understand the significance of the sharing of Communion.
Elements included: Detailed Presentation Notes, Communion Brochure, recipes for Passover foods, PowerPoint for this Milestone.
Milestone #5 - The Bible
For third grade children & their parents
This Milestone explores how we got the Bible, and why we can trust that the Bible is true. Families are challenged to study and obey God’s true Word.
Elements included: Detailed Presentation Notes, PowerPoint for this Milestone.
Milestone #6 - The Family
For fourth grade children & their parents
God created the family, and this Milestone helps families understand their Biblical responsibilities as a family of faith.
Elements included: Detailed Presentation Notes, Family Tree craft, Family Mission Statement Brochure, Scripture verses to be read during the presentation, PowerPoint for this Milestone.
Milestone #7 - Mission and Service
For fifth grade children & their parents
As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve Him. Families are challenged to reach out to others in mission and service.
Elements included: Detailed Presentation Notes, Sample Service and Mission Brochure, Milestone Project Report Form
Milestone #8 - Salvation
Any Age–For children who trusted Christ for salvation
This Milestone gives ideas for a “NEW BIRTHday Party! There is a comparison of spiritual and physical birth, and a celebration with those children who have chosen to follow Jesus as Lord and have been born again!
Elements included: Detailed Presentation Notes, Sample Invitation for Families, Sample Invitation for Parents, Sample Invitation for Church leaders, Blessing Brochure, Gospel by Colors Booklet, Growing as God’s Child Booklet, New Birth Certificate
story of milestones

Mary’s favorite aspect of ministry is equipping parents and grandparents to be the primary disciple-makers in their own home.
Mary has three grown children, eight grand-children and three grand-dogs. She models Faith@Home with her own family and loves to help other families implement dynamic discipleship in the home.